Radiofrequency uses heat energy to stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and loose skin. It takes 30-45 minutes for the entire treatment. After the treatment, a tighten face can be observe and will improve in few days. This can be done once a week for faster results and maintenance of once a month treatment is necessary to slow down the aging process.
Botox treatment is a nonsurgical procedure use to relax facial muscles to treat wrinkles. Treated areas may include the forehead lines, glabellar and crow’s feet. Results of the injection can be observed as early as 7-14 days, and may last for 4 to 6months.
Botox treatment for lifting sagging skin is done on the jaw line. It is done by injecting superficially on the skin leading to collagen contraction. There is no downtime and treatment discomfort is minimal or tolerable. The results are immediate, one can see a
tightened and a well-defined jaw line. The effect can be immediate and may last for 3 to 4 months.
Filler injections are a cosmetic treatment used to smooth wrinkles or fills up depressed areas in the skin, usually on the face. One of the fillers used nowadays is in the form of hyaluronic acid. This may last from 1 to 2 years. The injection site can be numbed with topical anesthesia or a nerve block can be used. After which, then filler is injected until result was achieved. The procedure will give an instant result. The patient will look younger in age.